Property List

  • 211 Park Ave, Electra, TX 76360, USA

    Lot 1, Block 12, Woodruff Heights Addition to the City of Electra, Wichita County, Texas, as the same appears on a map or plat thereof filed in the office of the County Clerk of Wichita County, Texas;

    Property ID:  110880 Appraised Value: $1,960

    Bids Received (5)
    Bidding end date            08/13/2024 02:28 pm
    Any bids placed after the time of property closing will not be valid even if Bid Now button is still available.

  • 1420 N 14th St, Paducah, TX 79248, USA


    All of Lots Nine (9), Ten (10), Eleven (11), and Twelve (12), in Block One Hundred Fifty-six (156), of the Original Town of Paducah in Cottle County, Texas

    Property ID:  6011 Appraised Value: $26,540

    Bids Received (3)
    Bidding end date            08/13/2024 06:03 pm
    Any bids placed after the time of property closing will not be valid even if Bid Now button is still available.

  • 1417 Backus St, Paducah, TX 79248, USA

    All of the West One-half (W/2) of Lots Sixteen (16), Seventeen (17), Eighteen (18), Nineteen (19), and Twenty (20), all in Block Number One Hundred Fifty (150) of the Original Town of Paducah, Cottle County, Texas

    Property ID:  5944 Appraised Value: $19,280

    Bids Received (5)
    Bidding end date            08/12/2024 06:10 pm
    Any bids placed after the time of property closing will not be valid even if Bid Now button is still available.

  • S Parker Ave, Spur, TX 79370, USA 6th lot from the SW intersection of S 1st and S Parker

    Lot Six (6), Block Two (2), Freeman Addition, City of Spur,
    Dickens County, Texas

    Property ID:  7729 Appraised Value: $300

    Bids Received (3)
    Bidding end date            08/15/2024 12:02 pm
    Any bids placed after the time of property closing will not be valid even if Bid Now button is still available.

  • 310 Tarver St, Anton, TX 79313, USA

    Lot Twelve (12), Block Forty-Seven (47), Original Town Addition to the City of Anton, Hockley County, Texas.

    Property ID:  7095 Appraised Value: $2,530 Bidding Has Closed

    Bids Received (3)

  • 409 S Briscoe Ave, Tulia, TX 79088, USA

    Tr. 5: All of Lot No. 7 and the South 18 feet of Lot No. 6, in Block 58, in the Town of Tulia, Swisher County, Texas, as the same are shown in the deed or plat records of Tulia, Swisher County, Texas.

    Property ID:  17775 Appraised Value: $56,020 Bidding Has Closed

    Bids Received (13)

  • 214 N Collins Ave, Tulia, TX 79088, USA

    All of the West 65 feet of the North one-half (N/2) of Lot No. 5, in Block No. 28, in the town of Tulia, Swisher County, Texas

    Property ID:  17507 Appraised Value: $6,350 Bidding Has Closed

    Bids Received (1)

  • 322 S Collins Ave, Tulia, TX 79088, USA

    All of Lots Nos. 10 and 11 in Block No. 55 in the town of Tulia, Swisher County, Texas, as the same are shown by the map or plat thereof recorded in the Deed Records of Swisher County, Texas.

    Property ID:  17757 Appraised Value: $10,270 Bidding Has Closed

    Bids Received (6)

  • 411 S Maxwell Ave, Tulia, TX 79088, USA

    Being Lots Eight (8), Nine (9) and Ten (10), Block Sixty (60), Original Town of Tulia, Swisher County, Texas.

    Property ID:  10019 Appraised Value: $7,500 Bidding Has Closed

    Bids Received (3)

  • S Armstrong Ave, Tulia, TX 79088, USA

    Vacant Lot – 0.1700 Acres

    Located on the West side of S Armstrong Ave, South of SW 5th St

    Being Lot Fourteen (14), Block Sixty-five (65), Original Town of Tulia, Swisher County, Texas.

    Property ID:  17848 Appraised Value: $450 Bidding Has Closed

    Bids Received (6)