
109 S Anson & 113 S Anson St., Stamford, TX

Property ID:  18617 Appraised Value: $2,070

Bids Received (1)
Bidding ends at date            05/02/2024 10:45 am
Any bids placed after the time of property closing will not be valid even if Bid Now button is still available.

109 S Anson & 113 S Anson packaged together for development;

Lot Eight (8) and North 40′ of Lot Nine (9) in Block Sixty-eight (68) of Original Town of Stamford, Jones County, Texas R18617 &

Lot Ten (10) and the South 15′ of Lot Nine (9) in Block Sixty-eight (68) of Original Town of Stamford, Jones County, Texas R13995

PLEASE BE ADVISED the purchase of this property will be subject to the following terms:

SO LONG AS Purchaser completes the project presented to and approved by the City of Stamford, Texas on ___________, 20___ within 12 months of the recording date of this instrument. If the project is not so completed, title to the property may revert to the taxing entities and the taxing entities shall have the right to record a “Notice of Reverter” in the Real Property Records of Jones County.

A Request for Proposal (RFP) will be required. Please email for the RFP

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